The class of 2014 again produced a healthy set of results with a pass rate of 86.4% Of these results are subject distinctions from the following learners:
- Dingiswayo Somila (Life Orientation, Agricultural Sciences, Physical Sciences)
- Malusi Themba (Mathematics, Physical Sciences)
- Magwebu Luyolo (Mathematics, Physical Sciences)
- Ngcana Andisiwe (IsiXhosa, Life Orientation)
- Malgas Lihle (Accounting)
- Nxitywa Ncopho (Accounting)
- Maka Phelisa (IsiXhosa)
- Duda Elam (Life Orientation)
- Ngoma Akhona (Life Orientation)
- Jantjies Luzuko (Life Orientation)
- Tshona Sandisiwe (Life Orientation)
- Madikane Agcobile (Life Orientation)
All the candidates who did not make it still needs to pass a subject in the supplementary examinations. The outstanding results of top candidates are particularly pleasing. An impressive 5 candidates achieved distinctions for all 7 of their subjects, while 18 achieved 4 or more distinctions.
Top learner was Somila Dingiswayo who obtained 3 subject distinctions followed by Themba Malusi who obtained two subject distinctions, one of which being a 99% for Mathematics. Somila has been accepted for a BSc degree at Rhodes University and Themba will be studying Mathematical Sciences at the University of Cape Town.
The class of 2014 obtained 26 Bachelor passes, 59 Diploma Passes and 23 candidates for higher certificate.
100% passes were achieved in the following subjects: English, IsiXhosa Hom
Another achievement was that of Archie Velile SSS, who we had partnered on to conduct the Grade 12 Ilima revision Camp. Their results increased from 50% in 2013 to 81,3% in 2014, with their top learner, Chumani Boysen achieving 91% for Mathematics.
We are indeed very proud of our Class of 2014.