National Science week

29 July- 2 August 2019

Theme – *Facing Harsh Realities of Climate Change*

3 Activities

  1. *Debate* – RV students debated amongst themselves during this week preparing for the RV vs Dimbaza Central High School which took place on 2 August 2019 (Friday)
  2. *Exhibition* – The Eskom Expo participants brought their projects in front of the learners to display and to test them also as a practice run before they went to compete in the Eskom Expo competitions.
    • Primary Schools around Dimbaza sent their grade 7 students to do experiments which were conducted by RV grade 11s in the RV. Science Lab. i.e. parallel&series electric circuit, test for starch, electrostatics, acid-base reaction and acids and bases test.
  3. Career Exhibition- This was conducted by Bumbingomso and Buffalo City Municipality Youth Centre for grade 9s.

“RV hosted this event for the first time this year, as in the past we used to go to UFH. This event has really help us to expose our students to Science week activities” Miss Ntsaluba remarks on science week.